Marketing Manager

International Marketing leader with 15+ years of experience in Big Pharma, Severine is passionate about New Launches, Strategic Planning, Digital Marketing, and ultimately making a difference with Best-in-Class impactful campaigns and customer experiences. She is also a true team player and perfectly trilingual. After 3 years in Canada and an entrepreneurial marketing agency experience, Severine is one of our new Yellow Pill Team member ready to elevate your Healthcare coms 🚀💛

Project Manager

Katia has a rich experience in the pharmaceutical industry (6 years sales, 14 years marketing and 2 years medical) and is passionate about her job. Having successfully surfed the world of Rx pharma (Pfizer, Novartis) and OTC (Merck CH), she brings a unique perspective and valuable know-how. She devotes herself with equal enthusiasm to both operational and strategic assignments.
Her professionalism and perseverance set her apart in the execution of projects. Katia is always ready to take on new challenges and make a significant contribution to every briefing.

Project Manager

A graduate in translation and a globe-trotter in her spare time, Laurine has never stopped traveling and filling her bags with various experiences and skills. Passionate about aviation and having worked in the field for a few years, she decided to land at Yellow Pill, leveraging the professional qualities she acquired throughout her journey. Autonomous but above all flexible, with a keen sense of priorities and detail, she goes to great lengths to meet the expectations of each client.

Creative Director

Passionate about communications in the healthcare sector since day one, Olivier has fulfilled the roles of editor and creative director at a prestigious list of advertising agencies including Famous, Havas, Ogilvy, McCann, Duval Guillaume, Publicis Montréal and more. Now a part-time university lecturer, he bolsters the Yellow Pill team in the capacity of creative director.

Project & Event Manager

Aurélie was the first to bolster Florence’s team and for her, the move was an obvious choice. Over the course of some 20 years in the industry, she has acquired the broad-ranging expertise that enables her to offer professional support to an equally diverse range of clients. All of this while being an approachable and trustworthy partner. Aurélie is trilingual, proactive, efficient, organised, respectful, attentive and has the eyes of a hawk!


After some 15 years of experience at a select list of agencies, and having worked with numerous actors in the pharmaceuticals industry, Florence decided in 2015 to found her own communications agency dedicated to the healthcare sector: Yellow Pill. Today, she continues to apply her wealth of experience to a variety of target groups (GPs, specialists, pharmacists, patients, …) and in numerous domains (Rx, OTC, medical devices, food supplements, …).